Coffee Stops in Zwift
Taking a Coffee Stop in Zwift doesn't inject caffeine into your veins, but it does let your avatar keep pace with your current group while you take a short break! The main Coffee Stop lasts for 3-minutes. Here’s a quick demo:
How to take a Coffee Stop
Need a coffee break? Simply tap the Coffee Stop icon (coffee mug) from the action bar or within the Companion app.

What? No coffee?!
If the Coffee Stop button is greyed out, it may be that you recently used a Coffee Stop or that you're in the awkward first 5- to 30-minute window where no Coffee Stops are allowed. In either case, the screen will tell you how long you have to wait before it will be enabled again.

Coffee Stop limitations
The key limitation for BaseCamp is the fact you cannot take a Coffee Stop when you have a workout loaded. This can make your meetup experience a bit more challenging, but there is a workaround that takes a little effort, but once you master it, it's easy. Here is a step by step guide on how to advance through your workout and execute a Coffee Stop and then return to your workout.
Using Coffee Stops in meetups
Step 1: Load your workout at the start of the meetup. Nothing different here. If you aren't sure how to do this, watch the short video at the bottom of this page.
Step 2: Complete at least 30 minutes of the workout. To activate a Coffee Stop, you must have at least 30 minutes of ride time in the session.
Step 3: When a break is needed, review your workout and target a clear stopping point that you will remember. Focus on the end of an intervals set, recovery segment, or progressive step; this will make it easier to return and advance the workout to the same point.
Step 4. Skip/advance the workout steps until the workout is completed. In the Companion App on the workout screen, simply swipe each step to the right. If you're not using the Companion App, this can be done onscreen by clicking the Skip Segment button.

Step 5. Click on Coffee Stop and take your break. On the Zwift Companion App or on the Zwift screen, select the Coffee Stop; the timer will start.

Step 6: Once your stop is completed, simply start pedaling, and Zwift will automatically end the Coffee Stop within 5 seconds of pedaling.
Step 7: Reload your workout the same way you did when you started the meetup.
Step 8: Advance through each workout step on the Zwift Companion App or onscreen using the same technique as earlier. Stop advancing when you get to the selected/remembered point where you left off.

Enjoy the ride!