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Find the 73-minute FTP Test in Zwift

When doing an indoor FTP test for BaseCamp, we want to use the 73-minute FTP Test workout on Zwift. Sometimes it can be hard to find, so here's a step-by-step guide!

Step 1: Log into Zwift as Usual

Log into Zwift as you normally would and make sure all your devices are connected (including heart rate monitor and cadence sensor, if applicable).

Step 2: Click on "Workouts" At The Top

Once connected you'll be on your home screen. At the very top of the screen, select WORKOUTS.

Step 3: Select "All Workouts" from the left menu

Once in Workouts, look for the menu on the left side of the screen. Select "All Workouts" from that lefthand menu. You don't want to be in Collections (which is where it will likely default you).

Step 4: Click on Duration and select "60-90 min"

Next, at the top of the screen, look for the "Duration" and "Effort" filters. To make the FTP test easier to find, we want to filter and sort through all of Zwift's possible workouts. First, click on Duration and select the 60-90 min option.

Step 5: Click on Effort and select "3 - Moderate"

Then, next to Duration, select Effort. Choose "3 - Moderate".

Step 6: Scroll down to the workout labeled "FTP Test"

The workouts are listed alphabetically, so you'll need to scroll down to "F" to find the "FTP Test." You can confirm that it's the 73-minute one by looking for the total time at the bottom of the workout card. You'll also see the date the last date you did the test, if you've completed it before.

Step 7: Confirm Everything Looks Right

Select the test, and make sure it all looks correct. You should see the 73-minute total time at the top. In the preview at the bottom, you should see your current FTP on the left and the max power you'll put out on the right. If it all looks good, select "START RIDE."

Step 8: Pick Your Route

Once you click "START RIDE," Zwift will ask which route you'd like to use. You can choose any route you'd like! For the 20-minute FTP test itself, Zwift will automatically take you out of ERG mode so that you are riding in Incline mode, which means the resistance will remain the same throughout the 20-minute test so you can pedal steady whether you're on a flat, an uphill, or a downhill. Therefore, you can pick any course that sounds fun without worrying about its terrain. However, if you're not sure what to pick, we suggest using Tempus Fugit for a flat course or Road to Sky for a climbing course. You might see them listed in the "Favorites" from Zwift, or simply click on "Watopia" and scroll down to select the route you want (both routes are located in Watopia).

Step 9: Start the Workout

You're all set! Click "START WORKOUT," and you'll be off to the 73-minute test! Have fun!

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