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Log your food intake in Hexis

There are several ways to log the food you've eaten, and they all start on the Carb Codes screen; tap the "+" next to the meal or snack you want to log. In the food-logging screen, you have three options:

Log Food By Voice
  1. Tap the microphone in the search bar

  2. Tap "Start Listening"

  3. Tell the app what you ate

  4. Tap "Stop Listening"

  5. Review the items Hexis added to your meal and edit them as necessary

  6. Update the time of the meal as necessary

  7. Tap "Log Food" to save

Log Food By Picture
  1. Tap the image icon in the search bar

  2. Frame your food in the camera

  3. Hexis will make a suggestion; tap "Log" to save the food to your meal or snack

  4. Update the time of the meal or snack as necessary

  5. Tap "Log Food" to save

Log Food By Search
  1. Tap into the search box to open the food search screen

  2. If you've used the food recently, saved it as a Favourite, or created it as a Custom Food, you can tap into one of these menu options

  3. For other foods, type a search term into the search box

  4. From the list of foods in the search results, tap the "+" icon to add it to your log

  5. When you're done searching for foods, tap the back arrow to return to the meal-logging screen

  6. Edit the time of the meal or snack if necessary

  7. Tap "Log Food" to save

Edit Logged Meal or Snack

Need to edit a meal or snack you've already logged? Here's how:

  1. On the Carb Codes screen, tap the kcal button to the right of the meal/snack you want to edit.

  2. Tap into the item you wish to edit and adjust as necessary.

  3. To delete an item, swipe it to the left and tap the trash can icon.

  4. Once you've made your desired changes, tap "Log Food" to save.

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