
Sep 5, 2022

Jaime's story: Rebecca's Private Idaho 2022

RPI BaseCamper Jaime Baeza shared her experience at Rebecca's Private Idaho in Sun Valley.

What can I say? It was hard, beautiful, and wonderful. I'm already thinking of what I would do differently next year. I should've rested more the day before, had a little too much fun exploring and then walking in the sun. My titanium knees don't like walking, so I could've been more rested at the start. Once we rolled down the backside of Trail Creek, I thought, this is what heaven must look like! So beautiful. Now I know why Rebecca says it's the most beautiful place to ride your bike; she's right! I rode solo most of the day, and the headwind grind out was really, and I mean really, tiring on my sore knees, but there was no way I wasn't going to complete what I set out to do. I remembered Coach Tim telling us to make a mantra and put our name in it, so by 3/4 of the way through, I started saying, "Jaime, you WILL bang that gong!" Lol. One of my knees is so swollen today that I can barely bend it enough to walk, so I've got some recovering to do, but I’m SO GLAD I got to experience this! Bonus for me was hearing Ciera (Reba's social media gal) yell "JAIME!!" on Saturday morning before the shakeout ride and getting to catch up. We met at Sea Otter last year and became fast friends. She gives the best high fives, hugs, and encouragement, and it was great to see her again in an unfamiliar place.