Garry is a multiple-year BaseCamp member, and he shared his experience at the 2022 Makaha Time Trial in Hawaii.
Okay, so this was the first real race on the island in the last two years about. I had a blast riding it, but I don’t know what happened to my plan. I was two seconds off the podium because of stupid mistakes. I dropped my chain about thirty seconds into the race, and this required me to snatch my chain out from a minor jam between the frame and chainring.
Also, where was my power? I felt good this morning. I was well fed and warmed up. Seemed like I had another twenty watts available but couldn’t find them.
Finally, I got a flat on the course in my front tire, but the tubeless set up held, and didn’t have to resolve/repair until I got home.
What does this mean?
Relentless pursuit. I can’t let silly things keep me off the podium when glory is so close.