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Strength training dish towel challenge

Writer's picture: Menachem BrodieMenachem Brodie

Would you believe me if I told you that I can have your whole body working (and even shaking) with just a simple dish towel?

Well, over my many years as a cycling and strength coach, I've gotten all the excuses for why strength training can't be done over the holidays.

"I'm traveling between races/for the holidays, and there's no equipment here, and no, I don’t want to do bodyweight, so I’ll just skip my strength this week."

"I don’t feel like heading to a gym or taking my bands with me. If you can come up with something fun and challenging, I'll at least give it a Harvard try."

Challenge accepted.

And the outcome?

Fear of dishtowels!

(Just kidding.)

(Not really.)

This month's strength tip is to not let lack of equipment sap your strength gains!

Of course, it is far better to keep up your BaseCamp strength workouts, but hey, sometimes life happens, or you just want to give something new a try.

Here's a quick (but not easy) strength exercise you can use over the holidays when you're in a pinch for time but want to get a little something in.

The Full Body Tension Dish Towel Curl to Overhead Press

Expert Tip

Do not do more than two sets of 4-8 of these. When done right, these are extremely challenging and can make you sore. Again, use these only in a pinch, and only after you've exhausted all options to do your regular strength program work (even just one set); give these a try and then bank them for mid season next summer when you need a little strength "pick me up."

Give 'em a go and comment below how ya did!


At BaseCamp, we believe that every cyclist has the potential to achieve greatness, no matter where they start. Our mission is to create a community-driven training environment where cyclists and triathletes of all levels can train together, support each other, and grow stronger, faster, and more confident in their abilities. Our cycling training programs are expert driven and tailored to your needs. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just getting started, BaseCamp is where you belong.


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