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Tonya's story: Unbound Gravel 2022

BaseCamp alumnus Tonya Simpson shared her experience at Unbound Gravel.

Here's my Unbound writeup finally. I've done the 200 miler the past two times but knew I wouldn't be able to train for that distance this year and opted for the 100. I love the 200 but I had a blast doing the 100 again, especially at the finish line party after. So fun seeing BaseCampers out there! Andrea Troy, Mischa and Carrie Van Tasell Bastin, who finished a couple minutes ahead of me and gave me a shoutout a few miles from the end. Everyone finished strong! I'm bummed I didn't get to meet Steve Mathews and see Tina Hart finish! Looks like I might have just left the finish line area when she did. Anyway, I was off the bike almost two weeks with covid congestion and wheezing until a week and a half before the race but still felt strong until the last few miles, so I know BaseCamp got me through it! Now, who's on to SBT in August?

What a day! This race never disappoints and will always have a special place in my heart. That was the strongest I’ve ever felt throughout an entire 100-mile gravel race, and somehow just 1 1/2 weeks after covid. I felt a bit wheezy when we started hitting the hills, but the lungs opened up and I never thought of it again.

Perfect overcast weather the first hours. I leapfrogged several friends throughout the day, which was fun. It sprinkled out on the open prairie here and there and deluged just before the 64-mile checkpoint. Which meant a section of peanut butter mud hike-a-bike at one point. But the skies cleared and we finished under blue. It was so fun doing the 100 again and being able to hang at the finish line for hours after, cheering everyone in. And Greg got to see Peter Sagan at the checkpoint!


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