BaseCamp 2022 member Patrick Hogan shared his team experience at the Melford Crit in Bowie, Maryland.
A real quick snapshot of my season. I have done three races. The first two were more like a training exercise in nothing but getting the feel of racing again. On Sunday we did a crit and I did well, but I don’t want to highlight me. I want to highlight/stress the importance of a teammate. I am a sprinter. My team delivers me to the last couple hundred meters and I need to deliver. Communication during those last minutes is crucial.
Check the video below of the last lap of my race. It’s recorded on top of my helmet. My teammate is Pete, and he is wearing a white/red kit that says Bike Doctor on it. Early in the lap I tell him I’m behind him. Near the end I need to tell him again to punch it. And in the final seconds I need to tell him when to get off. It’s windy on the course so it was important for him to deliver me really close to the line because of the 30 mile an hour cross wind. You will see how well he navigates the pack and places me where I need to go. We had discussed earlier how I was going to go on his inside and he was going to make just enough room for me to come through so that if anyone else were to come they would have to go around him further into the crosswind. This tactic secured third for our team in 45+. Teammates are life. lol
